Kristi Schertz is an experienced AP® consultant, professional development leader, author, curriculum developer, and coach for science, AP® courses, science literacy, and technology. She is currently in her 26rd year teaching and 19th year teaching AP® Environmental Science at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, CA. She is the author of the teacher’s edition for the new 4th edition of AP Environmental Science for the AP Course published by BFW. Kristi holds a BA in Environmental Biology from California State University Northridge and a MEd in Science Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas Arlington. She has been an AP® reader since 2011 as well as a mentor to new science and AP® teachers. In addition, she is a published author of AP® practice tests and environmental science test prep guides. She also writes a popular blog site for AP® science teachers and enjoys working in the garden and riding her ebike in her spare time. |
Blog site for AP science teachers:
Kristi can be contacted at [email protected]
Kristi can be contacted at [email protected]
This course prepares both new and experienced teachers to effectively plan and teach AP Environmental Science. Participants will learn about the course format including the 9 instructional units, big ideas and science practices and how to use the new “AP Environmental Science Course and Exam and Description” book.
Experienced teachers will be able to revamp their current course to better align with the Course and Exam Description and Science Practices and strategically plan their entire year. New teachers will be able to design their course from the ground up to ensure a successful first year. All participants will have access to my extensive Google Drive for one year with everything they need including labs, exams, notes, activities and study guides.
Participants will learn about the AP test format and how to effectively prepare students. They will also gain experience with scoring and teaching free-response questions, multiple choice questions and strategies.
We will do new AP Environmental Science Lab Manual labs along with other labs and activities designed to purposefully integrate the science practices of experimental design, data collection and analysis and math calculations. Many of my labs are designed in the 5E format for student inquiry.
Participants will learn how to use textbooks, instructional materials and instructional strategies for all students to be successful. They will also have time to design their AP course including scaffolding, spiraling and equity and access strategies for all types of schools and students.
Participants will leave with essential materials, labs and lessons to have a great year teaching AP Environmental Science.
Items Participants Should Bring
Participants should bring a laptop or tablet that can access the internet, their chosen textbook (if they have one), a school calendar for the upcoming year, and closed toed shoes for labs and field studies.
Course Agenda
The course agenda will adjust with feedback from participants to address the needs of the group, lab equipment availability and living materials that are available.
Experienced teachers will be able to revamp their current course to better align with the Course and Exam Description and Science Practices and strategically plan their entire year. New teachers will be able to design their course from the ground up to ensure a successful first year. All participants will have access to my extensive Google Drive for one year with everything they need including labs, exams, notes, activities and study guides.
Participants will learn about the AP test format and how to effectively prepare students. They will also gain experience with scoring and teaching free-response questions, multiple choice questions and strategies.
We will do new AP Environmental Science Lab Manual labs along with other labs and activities designed to purposefully integrate the science practices of experimental design, data collection and analysis and math calculations. Many of my labs are designed in the 5E format for student inquiry.
Participants will learn how to use textbooks, instructional materials and instructional strategies for all students to be successful. They will also have time to design their AP course including scaffolding, spiraling and equity and access strategies for all types of schools and students.
Participants will leave with essential materials, labs and lessons to have a great year teaching AP Environmental Science.
Items Participants Should Bring
Participants should bring a laptop or tablet that can access the internet, their chosen textbook (if they have one), a school calendar for the upcoming year, and closed toed shoes for labs and field studies.
Course Agenda
The course agenda will adjust with feedback from participants to address the needs of the group, lab equipment availability and living materials that are available.
- Course and Exam Description
- Pacing and Planning introduction
- AP Exam format
- Focus on Unit 1
- Light in the Deep Sea Lab for Unit 1
- Owl Pellet Lab for Unit 1
- AP Audit for new teachers
- Lab 16 in the AP Lab Book: Salinization/Salt Toxicity Lab Day #1
- Lab 14: Water Quality - Collect water and do BOD and Fecal Coliform
- Curriculum requirements
- Equity and Access
- Focus on Unit 2
- Quadrat and Transect Lab for Unit 2
- APES Lab book from the College Board overview
- Practice Grading FRQ #1
- Focus on Unit 3
- Lab 5: Cemetery Lab for Unit 3
- Content ideas
- Pacing and planning
- FRQ strategies
- Science practices
- Math
- Focus on Unit 4
- Practice Grading FRQ #2
- Lab 7: Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil Day #1 for Unit 4
- Practice Grading FRQ #2
- Focus on Unit 5
- Pacing and Planning
- AP Classroom instruction
- Practice Grading FRQ #3
- Pacing and Planning
- Cookie Mining Lab for Unit 5
- Overview of Units 6-9
- Lab 16: Results
- Lab 14: Water Quality
- Wrap-up