Scott Reed is a native of Arizona and has been teaching AP Psychology for twenty-six years. He started reading FRQs for the College Board since 2004 and was twice on the committee for Teachers of Psychology in Secondary School (TOPSS), an affiliate of the American Psychological Association. Scott was one of the participants in the National Summit on the Teaching of High School Psychology in Ogden during the summer of 2017. He has presented at the National Council of Social Studies five times, and has written curriculum for a number of publishers and organizations. Scott runs a list serve to get information to all the Arizona teachers, and he also assists with the planning of the Arizona Teachers of Psychology Conference. He was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award by the TOPSS in 2010, and was the recipient of the Mary Margaret Moffett Award for High School by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology in 2021.
Besides teaching high school, Scott has taught online for the Maricopa County Community Colleges for twenty years including in the Psychology Department and Teacher Certification department. He has been training Advanced Placement Psychology teachers for the last seven years. He was twice named Outstanding Adjunct Professor by the college. |
Scott and his wife live in Chandler, Arizona and have two adult children. Their hobbies include working out together and going to many local sporting events and live music. Scott does many local triathlons, and other running and cycling events after retiring from thirty years of coaching.
This summer institute will provide teachers with a solid plan for having a successful Advanced Placement Psychology program. The course will cover teacher needs such as pacing, unit and lesson development, syllabus approval, activities, and available resources. The students’ needs of being able to write the new AAQ and EBQ, study for unit exams, as well as the AP test will be covered. Teachers should leave feeling confident in teaching psychology as a science and having solid content knowledge and activities for the all of the units covered in AP Psychology.
General agenda (subject to change based on participants’ needs)
Day one
Morning- Introductions, pacing, AP information, available resources, Scientific Foundations (Unit 0)
Afternoon- The AP Test, writing and grading AAQs, Statistics
Daily Resource- AP Psychology Resources
Day two
Morning- Unit 1 and 2 Content and Activities
Afternoon- Writing and grading EBQs
Daily Resource- Reed’s Google Drive
Day three
Morning- Unit 3 and 4 Content and Activities
Afternoon- Sharing resources.
Daily Resource- Reed’s Bookmarks
Day four
Morning- Unit 5 Content and Activities
Afternoon- Reviewing for the AP Test
This summer institute will provide teachers with a solid plan for having a successful Advanced Placement Psychology program. The course will cover teacher needs such as pacing, unit and lesson development, syllabus approval, activities, and available resources. The students’ needs of being able to write the new AAQ and EBQ, study for unit exams, as well as the AP test will be covered. Teachers should leave feeling confident in teaching psychology as a science and having solid content knowledge and activities for the all of the units covered in AP Psychology.
General agenda (subject to change based on participants’ needs)
Day one
Morning- Introductions, pacing, AP information, available resources, Scientific Foundations (Unit 0)
Afternoon- The AP Test, writing and grading AAQs, Statistics
Daily Resource- AP Psychology Resources
Day two
Morning- Unit 1 and 2 Content and Activities
Afternoon- Writing and grading EBQs
Daily Resource- Reed’s Google Drive
Day three
Morning- Unit 3 and 4 Content and Activities
Afternoon- Sharing resources.
Daily Resource- Reed’s Bookmarks
Day four
Morning- Unit 5 Content and Activities
Afternoon- Reviewing for the AP Test