Mr. Ramón López received his BA degree in Spanish and his California Secondary Teaching Credential from the California State University of Los Angeles. He has been an AP Spanish Language/Literature teacher for over 30 years and an AP reader for both the Spanish Language and Spanish Literature exams for 23 years. Mr. López has been AP Summer Institute Seminar presenter in Massachusetts, Texas, Illinois, Florida, New York, Nevada and California.
Topics covered during this weeklong institute will include a brief introduction to the College Board's AP® Spanish Literature and Culture Program, how to devise an AP® Spanish Literature and Culture classroom experience that maximizes teaching and learning. We will review the AP® Spanish Literature and Culture Reading List, and discuss tips for success on AP®-level multiple-choice questions and approaches to the writing formats of the exam. Tips on analyzing readings, reviewing web-based learning opportunities, textbook selection, reference books, note taking strategies and approaches to the three test essay formats will be covered. Materials published by the College Board® and texts on the AP® Spanish Literature will be discussed as well. The group will be guided to exchange ideas among colleagues that will assist teachers in setting up and managing their own AP® Spanish Literature and Culture courses. Assignments will be for the most part interactive, and created by institute participants to fit their particular variety of needs. Participants will end their institute experience with clarity on their own best approach to create lessons and approaches for their specific audiences. .
Agenda for AP Spanish Literature and Culture (subject to modification to meet participant needs)
Day 1
Introduction questions completed before Day 1
College Board Equity and Access Statement
CB Equity and Access Statement in CED Binder
Strategies for developing an AP Spanish Lit. class
Required Topic 1-Course and Exam Description
including the required reading list, the Learning Objectives, Achievement Level Descriptions, Course Themes and Literary Terminology
--Discuss each section of the CED and make connections to the Curricular Requirements
--Develop a semester and/or yearlong instructional plan that incorporates all units, topics and skills of the course, as referenced in the CED
Required Topic 2-Course Introduction,
----Discuss curriculum adjustments and instructional strategies that will help to recruit and retain underrepresented students
---Identify classroom-level policies and practices that enhance or restrict student opportunities to participate in AP
Tarea: Imagen que los representa….
Welcome and Questions
Required Topic 3-AP Classroom
Topics covered during this weeklong institute will include a brief introduction to the College Board's AP® Spanish Literature and Culture Program, how to devise an AP® Spanish Literature and Culture classroom experience that maximizes teaching and learning. We will review the AP® Spanish Literature and Culture Reading List, and discuss tips for success on AP®-level multiple-choice questions and approaches to the writing formats of the exam. Tips on analyzing readings, reviewing web-based learning opportunities, textbook selection, reference books, note taking strategies and approaches to the three test essay formats will be covered. Materials published by the College Board® and texts on the AP® Spanish Literature will be discussed as well. The group will be guided to exchange ideas among colleagues that will assist teachers in setting up and managing their own AP® Spanish Literature and Culture courses. Assignments will be for the most part interactive, and created by institute participants to fit their particular variety of needs. Participants will end their institute experience with clarity on their own best approach to create lessons and approaches for their specific audiences. .
Agenda for AP Spanish Literature and Culture (subject to modification to meet participant needs)
Day 1
- Proposed /Tentative Agenda
- Goal and Objectives
- Frequently asked questions
- APSI requirements
Introduction questions completed before Day 1
College Board Equity and Access Statement
CB Equity and Access Statement in CED Binder
Strategies for developing an AP Spanish Lit. class
- Placement exam
- Recruiting
Required Topic 1-Course and Exam Description
including the required reading list, the Learning Objectives, Achievement Level Descriptions, Course Themes and Literary Terminology
--Discuss each section of the CED and make connections to the Curricular Requirements
--Develop a semester and/or yearlong instructional plan that incorporates all units, topics and skills of the course, as referenced in the CED
Required Topic 2-Course Introduction,
----Discuss curriculum adjustments and instructional strategies that will help to recruit and retain underrepresented students
---Identify classroom-level policies and practices that enhance or restrict student opportunities to participate in AP
Tarea: Imagen que los representa….
Welcome and Questions
Required Topic 3-AP Classroom
- Discuss examples of how AP Classroom can be utilized to develop each skill/practice using example student data provided by the College Board and develop lesson plans that reinforce topic and skill connections.
- Overview of AP Central websites, including information on “AP Spanish Literature and Culture”, the “Course Audit”, “College Board Online Score Reporting” and the “AP Teacher Community”
Tarea: Comparar y constrastar El hijo ( Quiroga) y Ignacio( No oyes ladrar los perros
Understanding SCORING GUIDELINES for FRQs (only 2 FRQs, not all 4)
La Trinchera- José Clemente Orozco
Debrief of the FRQ questions
Required Topic 4-Assess and Reflect
--- Discuss how to leverage the data in AP Classroom to practice interpreting data within the Instructional Planning Report to identify student strengths and weaknesses and reflect on implications for instructio
Required Topic 5-Strategies and Pedagogical Tools
---Identify and explain various instructional strategies and tools, in addition to AP Classroom, that teachers can incorporate in their lesson plans to teach the content and skills in the CED
La muerte y la brujula
Required Topic 5-Strategies and Pedagogical Tools (cont’d)
Parte auditiva -examen
Exploring consultant-made and teacher-made instructional materials - Closure of APSI with the review on how to maintain participant contact through Google Classroom for future networking